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Haavelmo theorem | Balanced budget multiplier

Norwegian text at UIO | Haavelmoteoremet

Books by Norwegian Nobel prize winners in economics as relavant today as when they were written

Creating the ocean we want

The United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030, Ocean Decade for short)


YouTube | Prisitne seas


YouTube | great barrier reef

UN News | ‘Tipping point’ for climate action: Time’s running out to avoid catastrophic heating

IPCC | AR6 Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis

Bloomberg Carbon Clock

NASA | Global fire maps

Globalforestwatch | map

ScienceNews | Why planting tons of trees isn’t enough to solve climate change

Weekly economic Indicators (WEI) and other indicators

The coronavirus and its effects on markets and the economy

WHO | Weekly Epidemiological Monitor

Epidemic Calculator

Worldometers | coronavirus

Contagion Outbreak Monitor


European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control

Our world in data

CNN editorial research | Dow Jones Industrial Average Fast Facts

Actual books

"It is the will that counts it frees or traps" (Henrik Ibsen).

Make the Blue planet great again | BBC earth

COP26 2021 | Too little | Too late?

BBC Future Planet

World's Air Pollution: Real-time Air Quality Index

IQAir | Explore the air quality anywhere in the world

The PermianMAP


plume labs

More on the environment and our planet

Robotskolen is now public.

What you need to know about AI, Blockchain etc.

MMT, Hyperinflation, inflation, deflation, disinflation, QE, ZIRP, NIRP, interast rate policy.

Ordered links | Monetary and interest policy |

Ordered links on the economy in 2016

Ordered links on the economy in 2015

Articles from Reuters on the global economy in 2012

Alphabetically sorted on the economy 2015 - 2016

Alphabetically sorted on the new economy

Alphabetically sorted on marketing

Alphabetically sorted on It 2016 (Links to casting articles that explains how you can view this site on a larger screen)

Panama Documents


New US administration's first 100 days 2017

The fintech revolution

Crypto currencies, block-chain and smart contracts

The inverse VIX Exchange Traded Note XIV "flash crash" february 2018.

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